They are usually a bare board, and often used in open-frame diode lasers like the Ortur, XTool D1, AtomStack, TwoTrees, NEJE Master, EleksMaker and FoxAlien, as well as XCarve, Shapeoko, or 3018 CNC machines. G-Code controllers:Ĭommonly used in 3D printers, home-built CNC machines and kit-style or DIY lasers, g-code controllers use a text based command format called g-code, and are often open source hardware and firmware, like GRBL, Smoothieware, or Marlin. Note that all types are supported by the trial version of LightBurn.
LightBurn is a bit more flexible, and has support for three different 'classes' of laser controllers - GCode, DSP, and Galvo. Most laser software is tied to very specific types of machines.